Sunday, June 6, 2010

Top 5 Evil Video Game Companies

I figure I would start my Top 5's with one I have thought about for a long time. Over the history of video games, the idea of the "evil company" has been a popular plot device. Whether the company was out for global domination or involved with a massive cover up or some other "evil," these companies are a central component to the story. But who are the worst of the worst? Well here are my Top 5:

#5 - Ryan Industries (BioShock Series)

While I wouldn't really call Ryan Industries the only evil company in Rapture, it is the catalyst for the creation and eventual ruin of the underwater city. Andrew Ryan's dream of a Utopian society was made possible by his company, however his rivalry with Frank Fontaine led to the creation of the Little Sisters and Big Daddys as well as the Tonics and Plasmids that eventually drove the citizens of Rapture insane. Ryan himself believed in a society where individuals were free to do as they pleased, as long as they obeyed his rules. He acted as a dictator over utopia, which led to revolution and eventual ruin.

#4 - Abstergo Industries (Assassin's Creed Series)

Lets face it, Abstergo Industries is just evil. Kidnapping, human experimentation, murder, and I'm pretty sure the CEOs eat puppies. Not to mention the fact that it is just a front for the Knights Templar and their quest to obtain the Pieces of Eden and control the world. But you do have to wonder how well they do background checks on their employees. I mean, they track down Desmond Miles and kidnap him because they know he was born and raised by assassins, yet they hired Lucy Stillman, who is also an assassin? Their Human Resources department needs to be seriously fired.

#3 - Shin-ra Electrical Power Company (Final Fantasy VII)

Shin-Ra, Shin-Ra, Shin-Ra. Where do I begin? Genetic experimentation, kidnapping, cruelty to animals, and ecological disasters are just a few of their evil deeds. I'll admit I was all for Sephiroth offing the president of the company, that is until I realized he was a mama's boy. And even after realizing that Cloud & Co. were out to stop Sephiroth from destroying the world, did Shin-ra offer to help? I mean, Sephiroth was their creation after all. Instead, the good people at Shin-ra attempted to hamper our heroes every step of the way. I guess saving the world wasn't good for their overhead.

#2 - Umbrella Corporation (Resident Evil Series)

What list of "evil" video game companies would be complete with out Umbrella? Did someone say "None?" I'm pretty sure unleashing a deadly virus that turns humans into zombies, then trying to cover it up by destroying the entire city filled with said zombies, as well as survivors, and your own employees is most likely one of the most evil acts in video game history. Being from the New Orleans area, I wonder if the folks at BP don't wish they could do the same thing to the Gulf Coast.

#1 - Aperture Science (Portal)

Okay, you can destroy a Utopian society, attempt to use ancient relics to control the world, genetically engineer a super soldier who nearly destroys the world or even unleash a zombie apocalypse and I'm okay with it. But if you promise me cake and I find out that the cake is a LIE, well then, you are truly the most evil of evils.

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