Friday, February 18, 2011

Worst. Week. Ever.

Monday: Glasses Broke.
Tuesday: Leg gets stuck in two feet of mud at work. Attempt to pull it out results in a severly pulled thigh.
Wednesday: Flu(?) causes loss of hearing in right ear.
Thursday: (Technally, very early Friday morning) Son throws up in crib. Clean it up. Son throws up on toy couch. Clean it up. Son throws up in garbage can.
Friday: Step on nail at work, goes through boot into foot. Bloody sock. Get home, open mail, $110 speeding ticket (fuck you, speed cameras)

I'm affraid for my life at this point.

1 comment:

  1. Im sorry you had such a bad week last week love (and this one so far has not been too much But you forgot to mention one good thing about last week... spending time with your wonderful wife for her birthday!!
