Monday, December 12, 2011

Merry Christmas

Some New Orleans Christmas Classics.

Enjoy and Merry Christmas.

Dix Pack of Sixie...Best. Line. Ever.

All songs from the Great Benny Grunch and the Bunch

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Lacking freetime

I hardly post now. I blame two things:


The first is because I go in at 3:00a.m. and get off at 11:00a.m. (today through Friday I have to work a later shift - 11:00 to 7:00p.m.) Needless to say I sleep when I get home, until I have to get my son.

The second's SKYRIM.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Feeling the love

Look at how popular I am. Check the comments. Now I feel like I need to post more.

Anyway thanks to Kraig Furtado for the shout out.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Breaking Benjamin - Blow Me Away fet. Valora

I love this song. It's one of my favorite BB songs, ever. To know they remixed this song with an additional singer is amazing. And if you didn't know, this is a song they recorded for the Halo 2 soundtrack in 2004.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Fortune Cookie

Actual fortune from today's lunch fortune cookie:

If a turtle doesn't have a shell,
is it naked or homeless?

First, how the hell is this a "fortune"?

Second, the correct answer to this is a turtle without a shell is usually DEAD.

Happy, happy... I can't wait.

Yes. It's about time.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Monday, July 11, 2011

Perfect Job.

Still job hunting.

Pesonally, I want a zombie apocalypse. I feel I'm qualified for surviving that. At least I'm think I'm more qualified for that than most of the jobs I see out there.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Monday, May 16, 2011

My question, answered

A while back, I posted this. Well, someone finally did it.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Just me complaining

I hate having depression. Well, love/hate, really.

On one hand it really gets me thinking about things, mostly giving me a wealth of ideas if I were ever to begin writing again.

On the other, I'm really not in the mood to start writing anything.

Anyway, enough with my issues.

Oh, added yet another web comic to the links section. Check out Questionable Content, just be prepared to read about two days worth of archives in order to catch up. But is reallty worth it.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Worst. Week. Ever.

Monday: Glasses Broke.
Tuesday: Leg gets stuck in two feet of mud at work. Attempt to pull it out results in a severly pulled thigh.
Wednesday: Flu(?) causes loss of hearing in right ear.
Thursday: (Technally, very early Friday morning) Son throws up in crib. Clean it up. Son throws up on toy couch. Clean it up. Son throws up in garbage can.
Friday: Step on nail at work, goes through boot into foot. Bloody sock. Get home, open mail, $110 speeding ticket (fuck you, speed cameras)

I'm affraid for my life at this point.

Friday, February 4, 2011

WTF Chuck?!

Okay, my mind has been blown.

I have endured numerous childeren's programing since my son was born. Barny, Elmo, Yo Gabba Gabba, Backyardigans, The Wiggles....I get'em. Simple, basic, geared for kids, got it. But the recent discovery of The Adventures of Chuck & Friends has caused me to question way to many things.

At its base, the show is about anthropomorphic cars and trucks who have adventures and learn about life. But when you actually begin to look at this show you really begin to question things.

1. Chuck is a dump truck. His mother is a forklift and his father is a big rig. Let that sink in a second. Now I have to wonder about vehicular mating. I really can't imagine sex or reproduction, so how do they have a kid? Did they just go to a dealership and pick one out?

2. Chuck's mother works at a mechanic shop, which for a society of cars would make one assume it to be similar to a hospital. Yet in one episode Chuck needs to go to a doctor so his mother brings him to see an ambulance (doctor) AT A HOSPITAL! If they have doctors and hospitals, what the fuck is the mechanic for? Also, why couldn't his mother fix him is she is a mechanic?

3. Chuck and his friends are always building of doing something that would require hands and feet to accomplish, yet they always explain what they want to do, then cut to a finished product. How the hell do cars who have no arms, legs, hands or feet, build crate forts or sand castles?

I swear I can't stop thinking about the mind blowing questions about this show. My wife has tried to compare it to the logic and premise behind Spider-Man. A high school kid gaining the powers of a spider after being bitten by a radioactive spider makes perfect sence, especially compared to the mating rituals of tractor trailers.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011